life made by hand

Just another weblog

I heard on the radio this morning. . . . December 16, 2008

Filed under: Bah Humbug! — lifemadebyhand @ 2:54 pm
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all ’bout the history of gingerbread. Ok, well, as all ’bout as a 15 second spot can get. Created by German monks, given by fair ladies to theirĀ brave knights, and in the 19th century (maybe 18th? i lost track. My attention span is only 10 seconds) the gingerbread man came about. It was given to young unmarried girls, and they ate the gingerbread man to ensure they would get a husband.

Is THAT what my problem is?

I laughed about this the rest of the way into work this morning. File this under xmas traditions. Maybe i’ll bake up a batch to eat next year. This year i’m baking up a batch shaped likeĀ  . . . hmm, well, i’ll get back to ya. Bills would be a good shape, boats, oh, oh, i’ve got it! a clock! I defintely need more time! Hey, but seriously, i can’t wait for next year. I might even print out a little tag describing this nifty trick, and try to sell ’em. We’ll have sugar daddy gingerbread man, Fix-it gingerbread man, Chef gingerbread man, Mr. Clean gingerbread man, oh, lordy, i could go on forever! I’ll be happy to take suggestions, anyone . . comment on your favorite/most needed. . . .